Thursday 28 September 2017

Melody by Douglas Maxwell. Oberon Modern Plays

Characters (41 male/3 female)

Melody (38)
John (19)
Olive (70)
Ashley (19)

Time and setting

The specific time of the play is not mentioned but it could be assumed that it is set in the early 2000’s as references in both the dialogue and stage directions mention technology of that time. 
The setting of the play is Melody’s home which is on the West Coast of Scotland probably in the Ayrshire region. Again, this can be deduced from the dialogue used and the references made throughout the play.

Key words 




Melody, her boyfriend, John, and her ex-partner’s mother, Olive, make up one dysfunctional family.

As John tries to make it as a TV personality, Olive complains about everything from the tea being too cold to not being allowed enough cigarettes. Meanwhile, Melody works several jobs in order to make ends meet and fund the removal of her multiple, and perhaps questionable, tattoos.

A stranger arrives in the form of Ashley, who is initially mistaken as Olive’s new home help lady. Ashley brings with her the secrets of Melody and Olive’s past. This is a past that includes kidnapping and returning a baby, which then sadly died in infancy.  

As the confusion over Ashley’s identity is cleared up – she is the sister of the kidnapped baby – it becomes apparent that Ashley’s visit is one of retribution. As the four begin to bond in the cold, rickety, coastal home will Ashley’s visit have a different outcome? 

Monologues and duologues etc...

There are no monologues in this play, but due to the sparse cast there are several good duologues.

Pages 23-25 (2 mins). DuologueAs Melody gets ready for work, her and John begin to wonder if Olive is still alive. Comically, they do their best to find out and put their minds at ease.Lots of Scots dialogue so would help to showcase a Scottish accent. 

Pages 44-49 (4 mins). In her mission for revenge, Ashley attempts to seduce John. Initially oblivious to her come-ons this is a duologue that teaches us a little bit more about these characters. John reveals a bit about himself and his home life, Ashley reveals the true reason why she is here.

Pages 69-71 (2 mins)This duologue shows a softer side to Melody as she tries to appeal to Olive’s better nature. In true fashion, Olive keeps provoking Melody until she finally gets some sort of reaction from her. 

Links to the Writer: Douglas Maxwell

Written by: Olivia Seaton-Hill 26/09/2017

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