Thursday 26 October 2017

Lungs by Duncan Macmillan, Oberon Modern Play

 Duncan Macmillan, right, writer of Lungs
Key words
relationships, love, couple, heartbreak, life, miscarriage, children, choices

A note from the playwright: “The play should be set in the city it’s being performed in. Any references in the text that suggest another place should be amended.

The letters ‘W’ and ‘M’ are not character names. Any programme materials should simply list the actors and not who they are playing.” (Macmillan, 2016)


Lungs is a one act play which tells the story of a relationship. It’s ups and downs, it’s heartbreak and it’s healing. It deals with the morals of human nature, how we deal with life’s hardships and how we move on.

The two characters within the play are in a relationship. They discuss the idea of having children and the impact that would have on them, the planet and the way in which they live their lives. W falls pregnant but a miscarriage sadly leads to M’s infidelity and the pair going their separate ways.

Some time passes before they see each other again and, with one thing leading to another, a surprise pregnancy brings them back together.

This is a tale of love, things happening for a reason and life not always going to plan.

Monologues and duologues etc...
As the play only has 2 characters the entire play is a duologue broken up with a few monologues.

Pages 18 -20 (W) M has brought up the idea of trying for a baby. W has eventually come around to the idea but in this monologue she shares all of her anxiety and fears about the enormity of what they are trying to do – create life.

Pages 63 – 65 (M) In this monologue M basically says what’s on his mind. W is asleep next to him. He talks about his fears, his love for her, his hopes for the future and his regrets from the past.

Pages 93 -94 (M) In this final monologue M makes W aware that he will be there for her no matter what. He accepts and understands that their current circumstances are not ideal, but he is going to make it work for them.

Other works

People Places Things, Monster, Every Brilliant Thiing

Written by
Olivia Seaton-Hill, 24th October 2017

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