Tuesday 28 November 2017

Mojo, Jez Butterworth, Plays: One. (2013) By Jez Butterworth. Nick Hearn Books (NHB)

Key Words

Fifties, 50's, 1950's, Soho, London, gangsters, Rock and Roll, club, Rock and Roll, murder, dark comedy, agendas, Jew, lies, secrets, guns, being stabbed in the back, drugs, music, friendship, 

power struggle    

Tom Hollander played the original Baby

Time 1950's
Play Length 1 hour 45 mins 

Accents General London, Cockney

Place Atlantic Club, Soho, London

Set A 1950’s London Rock and Roll nightclub.

Specificity The play is stereotypically masculine. The play may be interesting if performed by an all-female cast or men playing the weaker roles and women playing the stronger roles. The play is specific to London within its dialogue. The play is suitable for anyone over the age of sixteen.

Characters 6 Males

Silver Jonny- 17 

The play is a dark comedy that takes place at the height of rock and roll, in the late 50s. Ezra, a silent character who we never see, is the owner of the 'Atlantic' club, Soho. His rock and roll prodigy Silver Jonny is hot property and rivals want a piece of the action.  

When it is discovered that Ezra has been brutally sawn in half and dumped in to a bin outside, Sweets, Potts, and Skinny, led by Mickey have a freak out and close the club. They take refuge upstairs, lock the doors and hide in fear for their lives.

They are joined by Baby, Ezra's unstable son, and next in line to own the club. Baby discovers that Mickey has played a part in assisting Ezra's murder being promised that he could keep the club by Ezra's murderer and local gangster Mr Ross.

Baby discovers the plot and confronts Mickey. Skinny and Baby have always had tension, Skinny being Mickeys sidekick is shot in the head by Baby at the end and dies. 

Monologues/duologues/stand out scenes with more than one character

Pages 5-12 
Key Words Comedy, nerves, swearing, graphic stories, sexual acts, tea 
Length 5 mins
Type Duologue
Synopsis Potts and Sweets discuss the private meeting next door which they are not invited to. It’s between Ezra their boss and Sam Ross a rival gang leader. They are negotiating the trade of Silver Johnny, a teenage, Rock and Roll prodigy. There are some hilarious exchanges between them.

Sweets: You know Beryl? She goes to me tonight, she goes ‘When silver Johnny sings the song my pussyhair stands up’.
Potts: Relax.
Sweets:  I know. I know. Her pussyhair.
Potts: We just sit here
Sweets: I know. Her fucking minge. Her fur. It stands up
Potts: These girls. They shit when he sings…Mickey knows. They shit. He seen it.
Sweets: They what?
Potts: It’s a sex act. It’s sexual

Pages 82-84
Key Words Fear, childhood, butchery, Dad, Wales, cafe, Murder, knives, cows, white van
Length 2 mins
Type Monologue
Synopsis Baby reminisces over a childhood experience where his dad takes him to wales for the day to kill a cow for his struggling cafe.  it's dark, comedic and psychopathic.


Baby: I was about nine…and dad tells me were driving to the country for the day. I notice that in the front of the cab there’s this big bag of sharp knives, a saw and big meat cleaver…I thought this is it, he’s going to kill me…We drive until it goes dark…Suddenly Dad slams his foot down and we ram this great fucking cow clean over the top of the van…

Links to writer: Jez Butterworth

I f you wish to purchase Mojo, you can do so at Amazon or Nick Hearn Books

Alternatively, please click on the links below:


Other Butterworth plays

The Winterling, Jerusalem, Ferryman

ISBN 978-1-84842-226-1

Written by Joshua Ashley-Smith

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