Thursday 21 December 2017

Key words (State as many Key words that best describes the play, the more the merrier)

Time (When is the play set)

Accents (What accents are apparent in the play)

Place (Where is the play set)

Set (What are the set requirements, Props, furniture etc…)

Specificity (is the play specific to a certain place/dialect/gender/age, or can this be tailored to the actor(s)?)

Characters (State how many characters there are. Then state how many males and how many females are in the play)

(Now state the characters and their age)


Susan 17-40
Sir Leonard Darwin 40-50
Brock 25-30

Synopsis Write your own synopsis of the play, not to long and not too short. Do not copy any other synopsis, this must be unique and personal to you)

Monologues/duologues/stand out scenes with more than one character

Page (in your play version)
Length (of Monologue/duologue/Scene)
Character(s) (Who is involved)
Key words (that describe the Monologue/scene)
Type (What is it? A monologue/Duologue/3 hander/4 hander)
Synopsis (Write a short synopsis that sums up the monologue/Duologue/3 hander/4 hander)
Snippet Insert a snippet from the monologue/Duologue/3 hander/4 hander, around a paragraph in words. This can be merged dialogue or a paragraph that runs without cuts.)

Page (in your play version)
Length (of Monologue/duologue/Scene)
Character(s) (Who is involved)
Key words (that describe the Monologue/scene)
Type (What is it? A monologue/Duologue/3 hander/4 hander)
Synopsis (Write a short synopsis that sums up the monologue/Duologue/3 hander/4 hander)
Snippet Insert a snippet from the monologue/Duologue/3 hander/4 hander, around a paragraph in words. This can be merged dialogue or a paragraph that runs without cuts.)

Page (in your play version)
Length (of Monologue/duologue/Scene)
Character(s) (Who is involved)
Key words (that describe the Monologue/scene)
Type (What is it? A monologue/Duologue/3 hander/4 hander)
Synopsis (Write a short synopsis that sums up the monologue/Duologue/3 hander/4 hander)
Snippet Insert a snippet from the monologue/Duologue/3 hander/4 hander, around a paragraph in words. This can be merged dialogue or a paragraph that runs without cuts.)

Links to writer (State around three other plays that the writer has written. Attach a link form amazon and the publisher, where the reader could purchase the play)

Written by (Your name and date)

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